The above is how the game starts. Click one of the "Buttons":
Select A Photo - start the game.
Change The Photos - Use the Change The Photo to see all of the photographs, one by one, in the various scrambled formats
Exit - Quit the game.
Select (click) one of the 15 photographs to scramble how it looks.
The three buttons are:
Photograph Puzzle is a simple game. You select one of the 15 photographs from the main screen. Each is broken up into 36 cells, 6 rows and 6 columns. For example "Delicate Arch", 1st row, 4th column above. This will display the "Select Cells" screen with four options, cells to scrambel 2, 4, 8, or 16.
Select one of the scrambled cells button which will cause the Game screen to appear.
Select one of the number of cells that can be scrambled. I will use the "Delicate Arch" photograph with 4 cells scrambled. Remember, clicking any number button will bring up the game screen. In this example I have selecte four cells to be scrambled.
You may be able to "see" which cells are "out-of-place", but the more cells scrambled the harder it will be to "see" pairs that must be switched. This is especially true on some of the photos, e.g. Bryce Canyon.
I have marked (in no particular order) 1, 2, 3, and 4) these scrambled cells.
Now the game begins. You have to select (click on), TWO cells, one at a time, and then click the
If you change your mind about using either of, of both, cell to unselect it.
I selected #3 and #2 to switch. The yellow arrows show those two selection in the small, white boxes on the left hand side of the screen. This is just to let you know which two have been selected.
#3 was the selected first. A small copy of that cell appears on the top "white box" on the left hand side. And #2 was selected next as shown by the yellow arrow. It doesn't matter what order you selct the two cells, only that you select two.
NOTE that on each of the two selected cells there is a thin gray bar on the bottom border of the selected cells. This it to let you know which cells have been selected. The thin gray bars will remain there until the "Switch Cells" button is clicked.
Now, click on the Green Button between these on the left side to switch there positions. The result is shown below. Note the red box around "Cells Still Scrambled". There are two cells that still need to be switched. It is possible to have an odd number e.g. 3, 5 still scrambled due to multiple switching involving scrambled and unscrambled cells.
I repeat the process, i.e. select #1 and #4, click the SWITCH BUTTON.
Since these are the last two scrambled cells, the original photograph has been unscrambled i.e. I "solved" the puzzle of 4 scrambled cells. This will immediately display the "Congraduations!" screen that tells you how long it took to solve the puzzle.
And yes, it only took me 23 seconds to solve the 4 cells scrambled puzzle as the "out-of-place" cells were fairly obvious. This record time is shown below.
As you play the game and solve various puzzles, a record of your achievements will be saved. Below is an example of the records that I had while developing the game. Note that there are 60 possilbe records. When you install the game on your computer all the records will be blank so that you can build your own records.
As to be expected, the more cells you chose to scramble the longer the solution times will be. Remember, that if you get stuck and just can "see" some of the scrambled cells, you can always just quit and try again on another day.
Below is a sample of Record Times that I compiled during testing.
Note the Record Times for various photos under the 16 cells scrambled. Delicate Arch took 123 minutes to solve whereas Smokey Mountains and Chicago took considerable short times to solve when 16 cells were scrambled. Those fast times were probably made as the scrambled cells were easy to spot as to where they should go, i.e. the random selection process came up with favoriable selections.
If you click on "Reset Records" you will be asked if you really want to reset, i.e. Yes or No.
Here are examples of photos where 16 cells were selected to be scrampled. These three phodtos are probably the hardest to unscramble! Especially Bryce Canyon! Many times I had to "give up" before I finally solved 16 scrambled cells.
New Orleans
New Orleans
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
New York
New York